What Happens at a Natural Fertility Clinic?

Often, when couples come into our clinic, they don’t really know what to expect. They are guessing they are going to get acupuncture (and may not even know much about that), but what they do know is that they have talked to their friends, and read the research that Chinese Medicine can make a huge impact on fertility outcomes. That translates to you having an easier time getting and staying pregnant. This is where acupuncture for fertility shines.

But how does it work? How could putting a bunch of tiny needles in your body do ANYTHING to change your ability to get or stay pregnant? How could that possibly improve periods, ovulation and health?

Chinese medicine has evolved over the last 5,000 years and in my opinion, the best thing that came out of it was the knowledge and ability diagnose your period, and signs in symptoms in a way that allows us to see the underlying issues that are impacting your fertility and then to fix them!

We take time to schedule a full consultation where we discuss everything about your health from your sleep and energy to all the details of your period and basal temperatures. All of these are very important tools that help us uncover what factors might be your way to a happy healthy pregnancy.

Once we figure out what the problem areas are, we then figure out how those things are related. So for example if you have a short cycle (less than 26 days), that decreases your chances of getting pregnant by over 50%. Maybe you have cramping, clotting and scarnt bleeding too. Those are also HIGHLY correlated with infertility. Now neither one of these are CAUSES OF INFERTILITY but all of them have been shown to decrease fertility outcomes. When you have a few of these they start to work against your ability to get pregnant.

Our job is to identify them and then fix them with a highly customized, multidisciplinary treatment plan that will include acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, nutritional consulting, stress management and lifestyle modification all in one appointment.

Our system is so impactful that last year we were able to demonstrate that women using our program aged 35-41 had a 274% increased likelihood of natural conception.

Want to learn more? Call us at 512.302.5600 or email us at www.TexasFertilityAcupuncture.com to schedule a Q and A with one of our acupuncturists! We would be delighted to help.

Love you!
