Sweet and Savory Congee

Congee is traditionally a rice porridge popular in Asian countries and goes back thousands of years to the first recorded congee (made of millet) eaten by Emperor Huang Di.  It is more about the process of cooking rather than the grain that is used.  Long cooking times break down the grain until it is literally mush.  This renders it almost completely pre-digested so your body doesn’t have to work in order to absorb the nutrients from it.  This is ideal for those with digestive problems who lack the ability to break down foods enough to get the nutrients they need from it.

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Coffee Talk

If you love coffee like I do, then you may want to pay attention...
I love the stuff! The smell, the taste, everything. I used to watch my parents and grandparents wake sleepily, pad toward the kitchen to grind the beans and fill the pot with water, and flip the switch; the house would fill with a earthy, familiar aroma. It was a morning ritual that, as I grew up, I continued.

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Learning to Pivot

As parents, we have to do and be so much, all of the time. As gentle parents, parents who are striving to be intentional about the way we relate with our children, there are certain qualities that we need more of…we have to keep a steady flow of patience, and foresight, and the ability to take a deep breath on tap. But there is one quality that I think, if we can keep a deep well of it flowing, actually helps to create more of those characteristics that serve us so well and that is the willingness to pivot.

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Tiffany Paul
Tax Time!

It's tax time...and did you know that both acupuncture treatments and fertility treatments can be written off? 

It's true! There are certain deductions you can make for healthcare expenses -- but there's a catch, of course.  These expenses have to be above and beyond the 10% level of your adjusted gross income (or 7.5% if you are aged 65 years or older). So what does that mean?  

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Spring Cleaning

Spring is here! For many of us it’s a time we think about renewal and growth. It’s a wonderful time for clearing out old stuff that’s accumulated; both emotional and material junk. Letting go of old grudges is just as important as clearing out the pantry and tossing expired medications. Small shifts can be very rewarding.

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