Posts tagged PMS
A "Period" of Self-Care: Yoga During "That Time"

Do you feel like spending a whole day on the couch during your period, nursing your cramps and watching Netflix? Or are you the type who still goes on their 3 mile run and just packs some extra tampons? Even though we here at TCRA are working to eliminate cramps and PMS from the lives of our patients, it’s a fact that many of us still have some monthly suffering. And during that time, all sorts of advice may be thrown at us about what we should and shouldn’t do in terms of physical activity.

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Coffee Talk

If you love coffee like I do, then you may want to pay attention...
I love the stuff! The smell, the taste, everything. I used to watch my parents and grandparents wake sleepily, pad toward the kitchen to grind the beans and fill the pot with water, and flip the switch; the house would fill with a earthy, familiar aroma. It was a morning ritual that, as I grew up, I continued.

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