Posts in Fertility Tips
Coffee Talk

If you love coffee like I do, then you may want to pay attention...
I love the stuff! The smell, the taste, everything. I used to watch my parents and grandparents wake sleepily, pad toward the kitchen to grind the beans and fill the pot with water, and flip the switch; the house would fill with a earthy, familiar aroma. It was a morning ritual that, as I grew up, I continued.

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10 Ways to Boost Ovulation and Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant!

A few people told me they got pregnant after long periods of trying unsuccessfully to do so after following the advice from a book called The Fertility Diet.  So I got curious and have been reading it this week, and thought I’d share with you their top tips.  

The Fertility Diet, by Jeorge E. Chavarro, MD, ScD and Walter C. Willet, MD, DrPH, both professors at Harvard Medical School, presents the results of the Nurses’ Health Study, broken down into their top 10 simple lifestyle and diet changes that can improve your chances of getting pregnant. 

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Why Should I Take Chinese Herbs?

I frequently hear from patients that they are hesitant about taking Chinese herbal formulas, and/or don't understand the benefit of them. Many more people are on board these days with receiving acupuncture treatments, but Chinese herbal medicine is still underutilized in reproductive health. So lets discuss some of the benefits and the safety regarding Chinese herbal formulas.

Why take them?
First of all, the herbs help us, the acupuncturists, make progress faster. We make progress at each treatment towards correcting your diagnosis and improving your overall health, and preparing you for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) if you are going that route. But your using the Chinese herbal formulas consistently allows us to continue making this progress between appointments. So taking your herbs:

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The Scent of Relaxation

You may have noticed that sometimes we use essential oils during the acupuncture treatments… What are these scents? How do we choose which one to use?

As a fan of these oils over the years I was happy to find them in the treatment rooms. I enjoy sharing them and they enhance my day as well! At home I have used them in many ways: to relax, to concentrate, to uplift my energy and mood, to heal skin, to prevent sickness… overall I just notice I feel better when I have them around! 

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How Can Acupuncture Support My IVF or IUI Cycle?

When people find out that I’m a reproductive acupuncturist, they usually want to know if I only see patients trying to conceive naturally. If you’re already a TCRA patient then you know the answer is no, we treat couples along any and all parts of their fertility journey. If you are  not currently a TCRA patient, then you’re probably reading this because you are curious about using acupuncture to support your upcoming IVF or IUI cycle. We would love to support you during this important time, so lets discuss how acupuncture may help you.

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