All About the DUTCH Test for Conception & Hormone Balance!

At the Texas Center for Reproductive Acupuncture, and under sponsorship of an ND, we’re excited to announce that we now offer Precision Analytica’s DUTCH test, the most comprehensive hormone panel done from the comfort of your own home. We offer a variety of tests (from DUTCH Complete to Complete Cycle Mapping) for both men and women— pre and postmenopausal women. Whether you’re dealing with irregular cycles, infertility, or wondering if your Hormone Replacement Therapy is adequate and effective, we have you covered. We highly recommend taking this test if you have any of the following issues:

Unexplained Infertility

Irregular Cycles


Weight Gain

Cystic Acne

Facial Hair (women)

Mood Swings


Low Libido (men & women)

Hot Flashes

Insomnia or trouble sleeping

Are undergoing HRT 

Saliva and serum blood tests only provide a snapshot of what your hormone levels are without showing the bigger picture. They may show an excess or deficiency in one or more areas without giving insight on the underlying cause for imbalance. On the contrary, standard testing may show normal values, despite having symptoms that are unexplained. DUTCH testing reveals both hormone levels and their metabolites. In other words, we can see (for example) if a hormone imbalance is due to influx (too much being made) or the fact that something isn’t being adequately metabolized by the liver. Additionally, it breaks down each hormone and their specific pathways to paint a picture of what’s going on and what’s going wrong. Based on each assessment, we can better help out patients develop a plan of action to reach their health and wellness, or fertility goals. 

In addition to hormone function, the DUTCH Complete panel reveals how your adrenals and nervous system are functioning by revealing cortisol and cortisone levels throughout the day. It also reveals nutritional organic acids (B12, B6, and glutathione markers) as well as neurotransmitter metabolites for dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, melatonin, and oxidative stress. This OATS (organic acids) add-on can also be ordered alone without the extra hormones (estrogen, progesterone, etc.)— is especially useful for someone dealing with chronic anxiety or insomnia. 

For women who suspect, or have been told they have PCOS, our DUTCH Cycle Mapping test shows the patterns of estrogen and progesterone offering a more in-depth picture of what’s going on, especially in longer or anovulatory cycles. It’s also highly recommended for any women with an irregular, unpredictable period. This test is not for women who are postmenopausal, on birth control, or who have regular, predictable cycles. 

For more information about which DUTCH test is right for you, give us a call at the Texas Center for Reproductive Acupuncture. Every test comes with a cost-free consultation to discuss your results, complete and easy-to-read access to your results, and one-on-one support from Precision Analytical, creators of the DUTCH test. We can also help you with reimbursement from your insurance provider. If you’re tired of guessing or being labeled unexplained, take the next step to revealing the root cause of your disorder so that we can help you take action to fix it.